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Name Professor Rajesh Kochhar
Current Position Hon. Prof. Panjab University Mathematics Department, Chandigarh 160014

& Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali

Academic Qualifications M.Sc. Physics (Panjab University) (1967) Ph.D. (Panjab University) (1973)
Research Areas Science & technology in society; science policy; education in globalization era; history and sociology of science & technology; ancient history; theoretical astrophysics; science outreach.
Regular Positions
  • 1974 Jan. – Aug.  Lecturer, Panjab University, Chandigarh
  • 1974-1981 Fellow, IIA Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore
  • 1981-1986 Reader, IIA
  • 1986-1991 Associate Professor, IIA
  • 1991-1999 Aug. Professor, IIA
  • 1999 Aug. – 2006 Oct. Director, Scientist, NISTADS; National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies (New Delhi) CSIR
  • 2006 Nov. – 2008 Nov. Professor of Pharmaceutical Heritage, NIPER: National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Mohali
Fellowships/Awards, etc.
  • 2014. Indian National Science Academy’s Indira Gandhi Prize for Science Popularization.
  • 2006. National Academy of Sciences India’s Prof. R.C. Gupta Endowment History of Science Lecture Award
  • 1997 Sep. – Dec. Fulbright Visiting Lecturer, Chicago Academy of Sciences, Chicago [Topic: Imperialist use of science and the native response: The Indian experience]
  • 1996 Oct. – 1997 Jan. Visiting Scholar, Univ. of Cambridge, Department of History and Philosophy of Science
  • 1996 Jan. 1 – 1997 Dec. 31. Jawaharlal Nehru Fellow [Topic: Modern science in India: A historical study in the national and global context.]
  • 1991 Aug. British Council/Charles Wallace Trust Fellowship
  • 1978-1979. DAAD Fellow, Univ. of Gottingen Sternwarte
Membership etc. A. Current
  • President,  International Astronomical Union Commission 41: History of Astronomy.
  • National Representative on Commission 46 “Teaching of Astronomy” of International Astronomical Union.
  • Member, Editorial Board: Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, New Zealand.

B. Previous

  1. Chaired UGC Committee to Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak for assessing their 10th Plan requirements
  2. Honorary professor of history of science and technology, National Institute of Advanced Studies, bangalore
  3. Chairman, Scientific Advisory Committee to Positional Astronomical Centre (India Meteorological Department), Kolkata.
Lectures, Conferences, Chairing of Scientific Sessions (Selective)
22 Nov.2007 Lecture on ‘Indian Yuga system of time reckoning: origin and uses’ @ Seminar fuer Indologie, Universitat Tubingen [Preprint].
20 Nov. 2007 Lecture on ‘Advent and growth of modern astronomy in India‘ @ Instituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Padova, Germany.
16 Nov. 2007 Colloquium on ‘Seductive Orientalism Modern science in India” @ Department of History’, University of Texas at Austin.
31 Oct. 2007 ‘Science as a symbol of new nationhood: India and the International Geophysical Year’. Paper read @ International Seminar on ‘Making Science Global’, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. [Preprint].
7 Jan.2007 Recorded an interview for BBC Radio on Science in India, broadcast and webcast in Feb 2007. President Abdul Kalam and other leading scientists are being interviewed for the series.
19 Apr. 2006 Lecture on ‘Colonial use of science: The Indian approach’ @ Royal Dublin Society (est. 1731) Dublin
5 Apr. 2006 Lecture on ‘Ancient India: Discovery and invention’ @ Department of Sanskrit and Indian Studies, Harvard University.
3 Apr. 2006 Lecture on ‘Colonial use of science and native responses’@ South Asia Programme, Cornell University, Ithaca.
30 Mar. 2006 Lecture on ‘Colonial use of science and native responses’ @ South Asia Institute, University of Texas, Austin.
17 Mar. 2006 Lecture on ‘Continuity embedded in change: Lost wax metal casting tradition’ (Dhokra) in Eastern India @ Brighton University.
13 Mar. 2006 Lecture on ‘Seductive orientalism’ @ Queen’s University, Belfast.


4 Aug. 20081-2 Aug. 200829 Jul. 200825 Jun. 200825 Jan. 2008 Talk on “Rise and decline of Indian Science” @ Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai.Distinguished Speaker at two-day Round Table Conference on “Rise of science and spirituality in promoting the culture of peace in the world” @ Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Pune.Presentation on “Seductive orientalism: Modern science and education” @ National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore.Made concluding remarks at a one-day Workshop on “Curriculum and teaching methodology for electronics” @ Physics Department, Panjab University, ChandigarhFoundation Day Lecture on “Genetically modified crops: Fears and excitement” @ Bangalore University.
18 Jan. 2008 National Academy of Science India’s Prof. R.C. Gupta History of Science Award Lecture on “Rise and decline of modern science in India” @ Panjab University, Chandigarh.
29 Dec.2007 Paper on “Ayurveda: Origin and evolution” for Seminar on “Science & Technology in India’s past”, Delhi University [Preprint].
28 Dec. 2007 ‘Prof. S.C. Mishra Memorial Lecture’ on “Seductive orientalism: English education and modern science in colonial India” @ Indian History Congress, Delhi University [Preprint].
27 Oct. 2007 Invited talk at the 22nd Indian Association for Physics Teachers Convention and Symposium @ Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla.
18 Jan.2007 Lecture on ‘Rise and decline of modern science in India’ @ Calcutta University 150th Anniversary International Seminar on Science , Culture and Social Change, Calcutta
30 Nov. 2005 67th Acharya J.C. Bose Memorial Lecture on ‘Modern science in India: Colonial compulsions, nationalist aspirations and global circumventions’@ Bose Institute, Kolkata. [Preprint]

12.Text book writing

1989 : Prepared the course work on ‘The Universe’ for the Foundation course in science and technology of the Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi.

13.Science education in Hindi

1989 : Prepared two audio cassettes for the Indira Gandhi National Open University on ‘Measuring cosmic distances’ and ‘Astronomy in India’.

14.Lecture courses

i.1995:Gave a course of three lectures on ‘Evolution of modern astronomy’ @ the

Summer Programme in the History of Science for Degree College Students, Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore.

ii.1995:Taught a course on ‘Galaxies’ @ Bangalore University.

iii.1994:Taught a course on ‘Survey of astronomy and Astrophysics’ @ Indian Institute of


iv.1993:Taught a course on ‘Galaxies’ @ Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

v.1993 :Gave a series of four lectures on ‘Developments in Indian science and technology’

at a course on ‘Anintegrated approachtoknowledge and information’ for college and university teachers organized by the National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore.

vi.1990 : Taught a course on ‘Galactic structure’ to M.Sc. students’ @ Bangalore University.

15. List of publications

Books/ History and sociology of science & technology / Astronomy & Astrophysics.

(Publications are under the name Rajesh Kochhar or R.K. Kochhar. In citations, the name is at times mis-spelt as Kochar, Kocchar, etc.)


1R. Kochhar (2000) The Vedic People: Their History and Geography (Hyderabad: OrientLongman).

2R. Kochhar & J. Narlikar (1995) Astronomy in India: A Perspective.

(New Delhi: Indian National Science Academy).

3R. Kochhar & J. Narlikar (1993) Astronomy in India : Past, Present andFuture

( Pune: Inter- University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics).


I. Period 2008-1999 (includingtenure as Director NISTADS)

a. Publications and texts of (select) invited lectures, etc.

30.Rajesh Kochhar (2008) Rise and decline of modern science in India. National Academy Science Letters (Allahabad), 31 (5&6) , 171-174.( Posted on the net as a knol.)

29.R. Kochhar (2008) Cultivation of science in the 19th century Bengal. Indian Journal of Physics, 82(8), 1003-1082. (Akshoy Datta Memorial Lecture at Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata.)

28.R. Kochhar (2008) Seductive orientalism: English education and modern science in colonial India. Social Scientist, 36:45-63. (S.C. Mishra Lecture at 68th Indian History Congress, Delhi.)

27. R. Kochhar (2008) Science as a symbol of new nationhood: India and the International Geophysical Year 1957-58. Current Science, 94: 813-816

26.David Smith & Rajesh Kochhar (2008) Multimedia archiving of technological change in a traditional creative industry – A case study of the Dhokra artisans of Bankura, West Bengal. In: Cognition, Communication and Interaction (Ed.: Satinder P. Gill) (London: Springer) 501-515.

25.R. Kochhar (2009) Globalization, Mandalization and the Indian middle class. In: Culture, Society and Development in India (Eds:Manoj Kumar Sanyal and Arunabha Ghosh) ( Hyderabad: Orient BlackSwan) 23-32.

24.J.V. Narlikar & R. Kochhar (2009) Post-independence Indian achievements in astronomy. In : Science in India, Vol.XIII, Part 8(Ed: J.V. Narlikar) ( New Delhi. : Viva Books)

23.R. Kochhar (2007) Promoting astronomy in developing countries: an historical perspective. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Volume 2, 21-24 (Cambridge University Press).

22.R. Kochhar (2007) Ayurveda: Origins and evolution. Paper presented in Panel on “Science and Technology in India’s past”, during Indian History Congress at Delhi University. 29-30 Dec. [Papers from Aligarh Historians Society to the Indian History Congress, 2007 ( Ed. :Irfan Habib). 7-12]. ( Posted on the Net as a Knol.)

21.R. Kochhar (2007) Colonial India, native gentlemen and modern science. Lecture in the History of Science Colloquium in History Department, University of Texas, Austin. 16 Nov.

20.R. Kochhar (2006) Book review of Lucio Russo: The Forgotten Revolution: How Science was born in 300 BC and Why it had to be Reborn (Springer 2004).Indian Journal of History of Science, 41:3, 335-338.

19.R. Kochhar (2005) Modern science in India: Colonial compulsions, nationalist aspirations and global circumventions. 67th Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Memorial Lecture, Kolkata. 30 Nov.

18.R. Kochhar (2005) Development through science and technology: Indian initiatives and concerns. First Asian Science and Technology Forum, Tokyo.

17.R. Kochhar (2005) Co-sharing the celestial hemisphere: Planetary orbits, mythology and religious philosophy in India. Lecture delivered at the 22nd International Congress of History of Science in the Symposium on “Sharing the celestial sphere” at Beijing. 25 Jul., organized by the Author.

16.R. Kochhar (2005) Shipbuilding in India: Wadia shipbuilders. In: Encyclopedia of the History of Non-Western science (Ed.:H. Selin) Springer.

15.R. Kochhar (2005) A tale of two databases: India’s R&D dilemma. Science and Development Network Sci. Dev. Net, 13 Jul.

14.R. Kochhar (2004) Till science transcends the scientist: Role of human factor in science. In: Philosophical Consciousness and Scientific Knowledge: Conceptual Linkages and Civilizational Background. (Vol XI, Part 1 of History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization) (Ed.: D.P. Chattopadhyaya). (New Delhi: Centre for Studies in Civilization) pp.249-251.

13.R. Kochhar (2004) Knowledge economy: Global or parochial. 2004 STEPI International Symposium on Science and Technology Policy, Seoul. ( )

12.R. Kochhar (2004) S.S. Bhatnagar: Life and Times. (Review essay) In Life & Work of Sir S.S. Bhatnagar (by Norah Richards). (New edition, Delhi: NISTADS) (First published 1948)

11.R. Kochhar (2004) Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar: Resonance, 7, 82-89.

10.R. Kochhar (2004) Denationalised middle class: Global escape from Mandal. Economic & Political Weekly, 3 Jan.

9.R. Kochhar (2003) Information and communication technology: Role of war and pornography. Public Lecture at India International Centre, New Delhi. 10 Jun.

8.R. Kochhar (2003) Perverse innovation.STEPI International Innovation Symposium, Seoul.

7.R. Kochhar (2003) Is globalisation encouraging flat-earth mentality. In: Architecture of an Inclusive Society, proceedings of Eighth Indira Gandhi conference, 20-21 Nov. 2001, Teen Murti House, New Delhi. (New Delhi: Mudrit Publishers) pp.362-370. ( Note the use of the term flat earth which later became popular in a different context)

6.R. Kochhar (2002) Madras and Kodaikanal observatories: A brief history. Resonance, 7, 16-28.

5.R. Kochhar (2002) Inventive individuals; innovative systems. (http: // www. cid. harvard. edu/ cidbiotech/comments/

{Cited in Michael Kahn et al. (2004) Flight of the Flamingos: A Study on the Mobility of R&D Workers (South Africa: Human Science Research Council), p.73.}

4.D. Smith & R. Kochhar (2002) Multimedia archiving of technological change in a traditional creative industry: A case study of the Dhokra artisans of Bankura, West Bengal.AI & Society, 16, 350-365. { Extensively discussed in Larry Stapleton et al. (2005) Systems engineering methodologies, tacit knowledge and communities of practice. AI & Society, !9, 159-179}

3.R. Kochhar (2001) Indian fellows of the Royal Society, London (1841-2000). Current Science, 80: 721-

2.R. Kochhar (2001) The Rgvedic Soma plant.In: Medicine and Life Sciences in India (Vol.IV Part-2 of History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization) (ed. B.V. Subbarayappa) (New Delhi in Centre for Studies in Civilizations) pp.724-739.

1.R. Kochhar (2000): J.C. Bose: The inventor who wouldn’t patent. Science Reporter, 37(2), 19-21 (Originally published in Economic Times, 18 Mar. 1998, as ‘Time warp as an escape from future’).{Posted on various websites.}

b. Press articles

33.R. Kochhar (2008) Panjab University at crossroads. The Tribune (Education) 26 Aug.


32.R. Kochhar (2008) Challenges for creative minds. The Tribune Chandigarh (Education) 10 Jun.

31.R. Kochhar (2008) Is science teaching history? Hindustan Times (Offtrack) 16 May.

30.R. Kochhar (2008) Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (60 great men of India in the 20th century). India Today, 21 Apr.

29.R. Kochhar (2008) Invest more, expect more .The Tribune (Education) 4 Mar.

28.R. Kochhar (2008) English, global and local. The Tribune (Edit page) 19 Feb.

27.R. Kochhar (2008) Year of Astronomy. The Tribune (Science & Technology) 4 Jan.

26.R. Kochhar (2007) 60 years of Panjab University in pursuit of excellence. The Tribune (Op-ed page) 1 Oct.

25a. R. Kochhar (2007) The enigma that was Ramu[Ramachandra Gandhi] India Express (Edit page ) 25 Jul.

25.R. Kochhar (2007) Protect innocents abroad. The Tribune (Edit page) 11 Jul.

24.R. Kochhar (2007) Killing unborn daughter: Government should regulate technology. The Tribune (Op-ed page) 25 May.

23.R. Kochhar (2007) India must move beyond superficial IT prowess. The Tribune (Op-ed page) 3 Feb.

22.R. Kochhar (2007) Delusions on science. Times of India (Edit page) 31 Jan.

21.R. Kochhar (2006) Going off balance. Hindustan Times (Edit page) 21 Nov.

20.R. Kochhar (2006) Cancer alarm in the Punjab cotton belt. The Tribune (Health) 4 Oct.

19.R. Kochhar (2006) Science and sensibility .Hindustan Times (Edit page) 3 Aug.

18.R. Kochhar (2005) IT’ s a mixed blessing: Chandigarh as an outsourcingcentre .The Tribune (Op-ed page) 14 Nov.

17.R. Kochhar (2005) Coping with nature’s fury. The Tribune (Perspectives). 16 Oct.

16.R. Kochhar (2005) IT, prosperity and equity. Deccan Herald (Edit page) 15 Oct.

15.R. Kochhar (2005) The legend of history. The Tribune (Edit page) 10 Sep.

14.R. Kochhar (2005) Pesticide threat. The Tribune (Science) 24 Jun.

13.R. Kochhar (2005) Net Deficit. Times of India (Third editorial) 12 May.

12.R. Kochhar (2005) Under Western eyes: Indian seeks foreign stamp for its heroes. Times of India (Leader article), 19 Mar.

11.R. Kochhar (2005) Apada aur vigyan (Hindi). Jansatta, 14 Feb.

10.R. Kochhar (2005) Nijata mein saindh (Hindi). Jansatta, 4. Feb.

9.R. Kochhar (2005) Roving eye: Coping with voyeurism in internet, digital technology. Times of India (Editpage) 24 Jan

8.R. Kochhar (2004) Patently unfair: Third world should uphold traditional knowledge. Times of India (Editorial Page), 27 Nov. {Summarized by American Association for the Advancement of Science ( SciDev.Net(}.

7.R. Kochhar (2004) History as half-truth: NCERT book distorts facts, discards logic. Times of India, 10 Aug.

6.R. Kochhar (2004) The Vedic void: Understanding the past through science. Times of India, 17 Jul.

5.R. Kochhar (2004) An unhealthy exam system: It’s time for knowledge-based education. The Tribune, 16 Jan.

4.R. Kochhar (2003) Towards a global perspective on globalization. The Hindu, 16 Dec. [Reprinted in Daily News, Colombo, 23 Dec. 03].

3.R. Kochhar (2002) How corruption subverts the system: It is like poisoning of the village well. The Tribune, 4 May.

2.R. Kochhar (2001) Integrating IT into mainstream industry. The Tribune, 7 Jan.

1.R. Kochhar (2000) Water: The ground reality. Tribune, 22 May.

II. Earlier Period 1999-1971 (Full-time academic)

a.Major papers

27.R. Kochhar (1999) The truth behind the legend: European doctors in pre-colonial India. J. of Bioscience, 24, 259-268.

26.R. Kochhar (1999) The rise of the techno-baboo: IT is a brain sink. Current Science, 76, 1531-1533.

25.R. Kochhar (1999) Science and domination: India before and after independence. Current Science, 76, 596-601.

24.R. Kochhar (1999) On the identity and chronology of the Rgvedic river Sarasvati.In: Archaeology and Language III: Artefacts, languages and texts (eds: R.Blench & M. Spriggs) (London: Routledge), pp.257-267.

23.R.K. Kochhar (1999) Pre-telescopic astronomy in India. In: History of Indian Science, Technology and culture AD 1000-1800 (ed. A. Rahman) (New Delhi: Oxford Univ. Press) pp.171-197.

22.R.K. Kochhar (1997) History of Science in India 1993-96: A status report. (New Delhi: Indian Naitonal Science Academy).

21.R.K. Kochhar (1996) Ulugh Beg’s Astronomy and India.Newsletter of Maulana Azad Institute of Asian Studies, Calcutta, 3(1), 11-13.

20.N.C. Rana & R.K. Kochhar (1995) On the meaning of the Mula Naksatra. Ind. J.Hist. Sci., 30, 31-34.

19.R.K. Kochhar (1994) Secondary tools of empire: Jesuit men of science in India. In: Discoveries, Missionary Expansion and Asian Culture(ed: T.R. De Souza) (New Delhi: ConceptPubl.Co.) pp.175-183.

18.R.K. Kochhar (1994) Shipbuilding at Bombay. Current Science, 66, 965-969.

17.R.K. Kochhar (1993) Historical perspective. In: Astronomy in India: Past, Present and Future (eds: R. Kochhar & J. Narlikar) (Pune: IUCAA) pp.1-42.

16.R.K. Kochhar (1993) Ardaseer Cursetjee (1808-77), the first Indian fellow of the Royal Society of London. Notes & Rec. Roy. Soc. London, 47, 33-47. {Publication of this paper led to a reprint, by his lineal descendents (The Wadias of Bombay Dyeing),ofCursetjee’s Diary,originally published in 1840.}

15.R.K. Kochhar (1993) Science in British India. II. Indian response. Current Science, 64, 55-62.

14.R.K. Kochhar (1992) Science in British India. I. Colonial tool. Current Science, 63, 689-694.

13.R.K. Kochhar (1992) English education in India: Hindu anamnesis vs Muslim torpor. Economic & Political Weekly, 27, 2609-2616.

12.R.K. Kochhar (1991) Science as a tool in British India.Economic & Political Weekly, 26, 1927-1933.

11.R.K. Kochhar (1991) Growth of modern astronomy in India 1651-1960. Vistas in Astr., 34, 69-105. {This paper was highly commended as a runner-up for the Arthur Beer Memorial Prize for 1988-90;see editorial, Vistas in Astr., (1992) 35, i. Was summarized at a meeting of Royal Astronomical Society, London, in 1992.;see Observatory (1993) 113, 101.}

10.R.K. Kochhar (1991) French astronomers in India during 17-19 centuries. J. Br. Astr. Assoc., 101, 95-100.

9.R.K. Kochhar (1991) Astronomy in British India: Science in the service of the state. Current Science, 60, 120-129.

8.R.K. Kochhar (1990) R. Ll. Jones – C.V. Raman’s physics professor at Presidency College, Madras. Current Science, 59, 65-67

7.R.K. Kochhar (1989) Transit of mercury 1651: The earliest telescopic observation inIndia. Ind. J. Hist. Sci. 24, 186-192.

6.R.K. Kochhar (1987) Shelton clock at Kodaikanal. Antiquarian Horology, 17, 181-184.

5.J.C. Bhattacharyya & R.K. Kochhar (1985) Indian Institute of Astrophysics – Instruments over the years (1786-1986). C.Z. Instruments Rev., 3&4, 7-9.

4.R.K. Kochhar (1985) Madras observatory: Buildings and instruments. Bull. Astr. Soc. India, 13, 287-302.

3.R.K. Kochhar (1985) Madras observatory: The beginning. Bull. Astr. Soc. India, 13, 162-168. This Paper has been featured as a research highlight in Current Science (1985), 24, 892.

2.R.K. Kochhar & M.G.K. Menon (1982) M.K. Vainu Bappu (obituary). Bull. Astr. Soc. India, 10, 275-279.

1.R.K. Kochhar (1978) Astronomy through the ages. Everyman’s Science, 13, 73-78.

b.Short Papers

8R.K. Kochhar (1990) 20-inch reflector by Grubb (The Bhavnagar telescope). Indian Institute of Astrophysics Newsletter, 5, 6.

7.R.K. Kochhar (1990) Rahu in Burmese tradition (Correspondence). Quart. J. R. Astr. Soc., 31,257.

6.R.K. Kochhar (1989) Madras observatory (Letter). J. Br. Astr. Assoc., 59, 120.

5.R.K. Kochhar (1988) Advent of solar physics in India II. Indian Institute of Astrophysics Newsletter, 3, 11.

4.R.K. Kochhar (1987) Advent of solar physics in India. Indian Institute of Astrophysics Newsletter, 2, 25.

3.R.K. Kochhar (1987) Uranus and the invisible planets (Correspondence). Quart. J. R. Astr. Soc., 28, 538.

2.R.K. Kochhar (1986) Transits of Venus 1761 and 1769. Indian Institute of Astrophysics Newsletter, 1, 11.

1.R.K. Kochhar (1986) Advent of modern astronomy in India. Indian Institute of Astrophysics Newsletter, 1, 27.

a.Miscellaneous (Selected)

18.R. Kochhar (1999) India-born U.S. astrophysicist. Chandra Observatory: Tribute to a legend. The Tribune, 27 Jul. {Cited in Wikipedia}

17.R. Kochhar (1999) Discovering Amartya, courtesy Stockholm. The Tribune, 20 Jan. (letter to editor).

16.R. Kochhar (1998) The expulsion effect: No momentum in Indian pure science. Times of India, 10 Aug.

15.R. Kochhar (1998) Science literacy, the Chinese way. Times of India, 9 Jun.

14.R. Kochhar (1998) Science and sensibility: Stifling the students spirit. Times of India, 9 May.

13.R. Kochhar (1997) Tight security with loose ends. The Tribune, 10 Dec.

12.R. Kochhar (1997) The elitist reformer: views on Rammohun Roy. Times of India, 6 Aug.

11.R. Kochhar (1996) Decline of modern science in India. Times of India, 28 Feb.

10.R. Kochhar (1995) Transcending the limits: Chandrasekhar’s stellar contribution. Times of India, 19 Oct.

9.R. Kochhar (1994) The wrong Bose at Como. Economic Times, 21 May.

(i)Input was received from S. Chandrasekhar whose source was K.S. Krishnan who in turn had learnt about the episode from S.N. Bose himself. Characteristically Chandrasekhar checked with Enrico Fermi later.]

(ii)Summarized in Khagol (1995) Apr., p.8. (Newsletter of IUCAA, Pune).

8.R. Kochhar (1994) Smelting of ideas [zinc metallurgy]. Economic Times, 20 Aug.

7.R. Kochhar (1994) Native genius [Ardaseer Cursetjee]. In: Achievements in Anonymity (eds.K.Sarma & B.Phondke) (New Delhi: Publications and Information Directorate, CSIR) pp.23-29.

6.R.K. Kochhar (1991) Scientist in exile [Review essay on K.C. Wali’s Chandra, biography of S. Chandrasekhar]. Sunday Times of India, 13 Jul.

(i)Chandrasekhar’s own comments on the essay are of interest

“It is always interesting to read upon aspects of the book different reviewers select to comment. In this instance, thereseems to be systematic difference between the reviewers inthe “West” [his quotes] and in India.” (Personal Communication 5 Aug 1991)

(ii)The paper back edition of K.C Wali’s Chandra quotes from the above review.

5.R.K. Kochhar (1990) Poor science, poor journals (Correspondence). Current Science, 59, 773.

4.R.K. Kochhar (1990) Book review. Cosmic Perspectives (eds. S.K. Biswas, D.C.V. Mallik & C.V. Vishveshwara) Cambridge Univ. Press. Bull. Astr. Soc. India, 18, 104.

3.C.N.R. Rao, G. Swarup & R. Kochhar (1989) What ails Indian Science? Indian Express (Science Express) 8&15 Aug.

2.R.K. Kochhar (1988) Book review. Kepler’s Physical Astronomy (by B. Stephenson)Springer-Verlag. Bull. Astr. Soc. India, 16, 252.

1.R.K. Kochhar (1988) Book review. IAU Coll. No. 91: History of Oriental Astronomy (eds. G.Swarup, A.K.Bag & K.S.Shukla) Cambridge Univ. Press. Bull. Astr. Soc. India, 16, 249.


a. Major publications

37.R.K. Kochhar (1999) Small telescopes in research and education. In: Developing Astronomy and Space Science World Wide (ed. H.J. Haubold) (Dordrecht: Kluwer).

36.R. Kochhar (1999) Education and training in basic space science and technology. In: Space Benefits for Humanity in the Twenty First Century (Vienna: United Nations) p.245.

35.R.K. Kochhar (1998) Modern astonomical developments in India. In: Highlights of Astronomy vol. 11b (ed. J. Anderson) (Dordrecht: Kluwer) p.894.

34.R.K. Kochhar & P.M.S Namboodiri (1995) Galaxy dynamics with small computers: Some result on tidal interactions. Astrophys. andSpace Sci., 228,185-194.

33.R.K. Kochhar (1994) Indian institute of Astrophysics (official brochure), 4th ed.

32.P.M.S. Nomaboodiri & R.K. Kochhar (1993) The density structure of a galaxy influenced by a massive companion. Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc., 261, 855-864.

31.P.M.S. Namboodiri & R.K. Kochhar (1991) Spin angular momentum of tidally affected galaxies. Mon. Not. Astr. Soc., 250, 541-543.

30.P.M.S.Nomaboodiri & R.K Kochhar (1991) On the tidal disruption of a spherical galaxy. Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc., 253, 863-865.

29.P.M.S Namboodiri & R.K. Kochhar (1990) Tidal change in energy of a spherical galaxies. Mon. Not. Astr. Soc., 243, 276-281.

28.G. Som Sunder, R.K Kochhar & S.M. Alladin (1990) Tidal transfer of energy and angular momentum to spheroidal galaxies. Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc., 244, 424-426.

27.P.M.S. Namboodiri & R.K. Kochhar (1989) Energy exchange during collision of a pair of disc sphere galaxies.Astrophys. Space Sc., 152, 319-327.

26.R.K. Kochhar (1989) Supernovae in early – type galaxies. Astrophys. Space Sci.,157, 305-314.

25.R.K. Kochhar (1989) Why was Uranus toppled over? Current Science, 58,1086-1088.

24.G. Som Sunder, R.K. Kochhar & S.M Alladin (1989) Tidally affected galaxies modelled as Maclaurin spheroids. Bull. Astr. Soc. India, 17, 141-144.

23.R.K. Kochhar & S.K. Trehan (1988) The helical wave structure in a comet plasma tail. Mon. Not. R. Astr., 234, 123-130.

22.T.P. Prabhu & R.K. Kochhar (1987) Indian Institute of Astrophysics Research Facilities (a booklet).

21.G. Som Sunder & R.K. Kochhar (1986) On the dynamical evolution of a spheroidal cluster II. Anistropic veocity distribution. Mon. Not. R Astr. Soc., 221, 553-569.

20.G. Som Sunder & R.K. Kochhar (1985). On the dynamical evolution of a spheroidal cluster. Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc., 213, 381-388.

19.P.M.S. Namboodiri & R.K. Kochhar (1985) On the formation of bridges and tails in interacting galaxies. Bull. Ast. Soc. India, 13, 363-371.

18.R.K. Kochhar & C. Sivaram (1984) On the post-Newtonian effects in the millisecond pulsar 1937+214. Current Science, 53, 420-421.

17.R.K. Kochhar & T.P.Prabhu (1984) On the correlation between supernova occurrence and nuclear activity in elliptical galaxies. Astrophys. Space Sci., 100, 369-379.

16.T.P. Prabhu & R.K. Kochhar (1984) A correlation between ellipticity and core strength in extended radio galaxies. Astrophys. Space Sci., 102, 9-39.

15.B.S. Shylaja & R.K. Kochhar (1984) Comments on ‘The white dwarf collapse in low mass binary systems’. Astrophys. Space Sci., 103, 199-200.

14.R.K. Kochhar & C.Sivaram (1984) A model for the millisecond pulsar 1937+214. Astrophys. Space Sci., 98, 201-202.

13.C. Sivaram & R.K. Kochhar (1984) On the slow down of the millisecond pulsar PSR 1937+214. Astrophys. Space Sci., 98, 203-205.

12.R.K. Kochhar & C. Sivaram (1983) The secular instability of slightly viscous, magnetic Maclaurin spheroids. Astropys. Space Sci., 96, 447-449.

11.R.K. Kochhar (1981) On the relationship between pulsars and supernova remnants. J. Astrophys. Astr., 2, 87-93.

10.R.K. Kochhar (1979) Is the Crab Nebula a disrupted helium star? Nature 277,116-117. {This paper has been featured as a research highlight in New Scientist (1979) 81, 94 and in Astronomy (1979) 7, 60 (May issue).}

9.R.K. Kochhar (1978) Runaway stars as witnesses to supernova explosions. Nature, 271, 527-528.

8.R.K. Kochhar (1978) On the stability of helical velocity and magnetic fields. Astrophys. Space Sci., 55, 395-400.

7.R.K. Kochhar (1977) On the orientation of the pulsar space velocity vector relative to the spin axis. Nature, 267, 231.

6.R.K. Kochhar (1977) A classification scheme for pulsars. Nature, 270, 38-39.

5.R.K. Kochhar (1975) On the points of bifurcation along the sequence of rotating asymmetridal masses with magnetic fields. Pramana, 5,294-302.

4.R.K. Kochhar & S.K. Trehan (1974) Adiabatic pulsations and convective instability of rotating gaseous masses. Astrophys. Space Sci., 26, 271-287.

3.R.K. Kochhar (1974) Adiabatic pulsations and convective instability of rotating gaseous masses. II Differential rotation and toroidal magnetic fields. Astrophys. Space Sci., 31, 449-475.

2.R.K. Kochhar & S.K. Trehan (1973) The oscillations and the stability of rotating masses with magnetic fields. III. Astrophys. J., 181, 519-521.

1.R.K. Kochhar & S.K. Trehan (1971) The oscillations and the stability of rotating masses with toroidal magnetic fields. II. Astrophys. J., 168, 265-280.

b.Conference papers:

13.F. Blume, D. Robertson, R. Bilham, R.K. Kochhar, J. Paul & V. Gaur (1994) Astrogeodic and GPS latitude measurements related to the northward drift of India. Presented at American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco.

12.P.M.S. Namboordiri & R.K. Kochhar (1992) Roche instability in binary stellar systems. IAU Coll. No. 132: Instability, Chaos and Predictability in Celestial Mechanics and Stellar Dynamics (ed.: K.B.Bhatnagar)( Nova Sci. Publ.) p.205.

11.P.M.S. Namboordiri & R.K. Kochhar (1990) Energy and angular momentum transfer in binary galaxies. IAU Coll. No. 124: Paired and Interacting Galaxies (eds. J.W.Sulentic, W.C.Keel & C.M.Telesco) NASA CP 3098, p.589.

10.R.K. Kochhar (1990) On a connection between supernova occurrence and tidal interaction in early-type galaxies. IAU Coll. No. 124: Paired and Interacting Galaxies, (eds.: J.W. Sulentic, W.C. Keel & C.M.Telesco), NASA CP 3098, p.315.

9.G. Som Sunder, R.K. Kochhar & S.M. Alladin (1990) Tidal changes in the energy and angular momentum ofa spheroidal Galaxy. In: Dynamics and Interactions of Galaxies (ed.: R. Wielen) (Springer-Verlag) p.285.

8.R.K. Kochhar & S.K. Trehan (1989) The helical wave structure in a comet plasma tail. Nat. Symp. on Cornet Halley (eds: K.R. Sivaraman &G.S.D. Babu).

7.P.M.S. Namboodiri, R.K. Kochhar & S.M. Alladin (1987) Formation of bridges and tails in interacting galaxies. IAU Coll. No. 96. The few body problem (ed.: M.J. Valtonen) (Dordrecht: Kluwer) p.401

6.G. Som Sunder & R.K. Kochhar (1987) The Dynamical evolution of a star cluster. IAU Symp. No 127: Structure and dynamics of Elliptical Galaxies, p.525.

5.P.M.S. Namboodiri & R.K. Kochhar (1986) Numerical experiments on the formation of tails and bridges in galaxies In :Space dynamics and Celestial Mechanics (Ed. K.B. Bhatnagar (Dordrecht: Reidel) p.229.

4.R.K. Kochhar (1985) Supernovae in ellipticals. In Proc. Workshop on Supernovae their proganitors and remnants (eds.: G. Srinivasan & V. Radhakrishnan) (Banglore: Indian Academyof Sciences ) p.47.

3.R.K. Kochhar (1985) Nuclear activity and supernova occurrence In: Proc. Winter School on Extragalactic energetic sources (ed.: V.K.Kapahi) (Bangalore: Indian Academy of Sciences) p.171.

2.R.K. Kochhar (1981) On the progenitors of SN I and SN II In: Nucleosynthesis (eds.: S. Biswas, S. Ramadurai & M.N. Vahia ) (Bombay: T.I.F.R).

1.R.K. Kochhar (1978) On the origin and the z-distribution of pulsars. Mem.Soc. Astr. Italiana, 49,445-450.//

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