Science in British India I-II (1992-1993)

R.K. Kochhar (1992) Science in British India. I. Colonial tool. Current Science, 63, 689-694. R.K. Kochhar (1993) Science in British India. II. Indian response. Current Science, 64, 55-62. both reprinted in…

European doctors in pre-colonial India (1999)

The truth behind the legend: European doctors in pre-colonial India J. of Bioscience, 24, 259-268 (1999) Rajesh Kochhar Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Koramangala, Bangalore 560 034, India The aim of this article is to…

Madras and Kodaikanal Observatories

  R. Kochhar (2002) Madras and Kodaikanal observatories: A brief history. Resonance, 7, 16-28.

Shipbuilding at Bombay

Also see a later version: R. Kochhar (2005) Shipbuilding in India: Wadia shipbuilders. In: Encyclopedia of the History of Non-Western science (Ed.: H. Selin) Springer. Current Science, 66, 965-969,…

World of tech-savvy Ganesha

    6 April 2007 TREASURE TROVE World of tech-savvy Ganesha Smriti Sharma In Rajesh Kochhar’s house, Lord Ganesha reads a book and has a telephonic conversation Lord Ganesha operating the…