News item ‘‘Vikrami calendar needs rectification’

The Tribune Jalandhar edition  1 March 2009 National Science Day ‘Vikrami calendar needs rectification’ Dharmendra Joshi Tribune News Service Kapurthala, February 28 Man-made activities including rapid industrialisation and deforestation pose…

Science behind Indian festivals

Chief guest’s address delivered at Pushpa Gujral Science City, Kapurthala   on National  Science Day, 28 February 2009   Science behind Indian festivals   Rajesh Kochhar CSIR Emeritus Scientist Indian…

Slumdog Millionaire

There is a delicious irony in the commercial and critical success of Slumdog Millionaire.Upper India has been desperately seeking Oscar recognition for its Hindi movies.Here is a movie with Mumbai-based…

Mahatma Gandhi , Frank Buchman , need and greed

Mahatma Gandhi  ( 1869-1948) is far more relevant today than he was in his own time.Leading a simple  life, living within  your means,  buying out of your past savings rather than…

Provider, donor and up-bringer

 Recently New York Times ( 1 January 2009) carried a sensitive  op-ed essay  “My secret life” by Ellen Ullman  Ellen Ullman says “There are adoptive parents and biological parents, surrogates…

Science behind Hindu festivals ( 2001)

ASTRONOMY THE SCIENCE OF DIWALI Divine Stargazing For the devout Hindu, the period from Navratri to Diwali is the most important. Does it have an astronomical significance? Rajesh Kochhar, astrophysicist…