Aryabhata reinstalled
Rajesh Kochhar Aryabhata (born AD 476) is the founder of Siddhantic astronomy which focused on developing mathematical algorithms for calculating planetary orbits and for predicting lunar and solar eclipses. His…
Author of The Vedic People (Orient BlackSwan), English Education in India, Sanskrit & British Empire, Science and the British Empire (Routledge) and Astronomy in India (INSA)
Rajesh Kochhar Aryabhata (born AD 476) is the founder of Siddhantic astronomy which focused on developing mathematical algorithms for calculating planetary orbits and for predicting lunar and solar eclipses. His…
By Rajesh Kochhar Times of India (edit page) 6 February 1987 This is a parable highlighting how every one in a hierarchy is a pawn, to be used, manipulated, and…
R.K.KOCHHAR (Source: ‘Discoveries, Missionary Expansion and Asian Cultures’, edited by Teotonio R. de Souza ( New Delhi :Concept Publishing Company) 1994, pp.175-183) The arrival of St.…
Vistas in Astronomy, Vol. 34, pp. 69–105, 1991 R. K. Kochhar Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore 560034, India CONTENTS 1. Ancient and medieval times 2. Use…
Rajesh Kochhar [email protected] This essay first describes how the question of Punjabi Khatri identity arose as part of colonial ethnology. It then briefly reviews the structure and the…
Rajesh Kochhar (The Tribune , Chandigarh ( Op-ed) 19 April 2009) INDIA is perpetually fighting a civil war within itself. While a part of it strives to build…
Rajesh Kochhar There are two little-known widely- separated anecdotes about the celebrated Hindi film playback singer, Mohammad Rafi, which I try to connect here to reveal some thing about the…