English education in the 19th century Punjab
Rajesh Kochhar Reprinted from Kochhar, Rajesh et al (eds) (2013) The Making of Modern Punjab: Education, Science and Social Change c. 1850-c. 2000, pp. 15-19 ( Chandigarh: Panjab University). …
Author of The Vedic People (Orient BlackSwan), English Education in India, Sanskrit & British Empire, Science and the British Empire (Routledge) and Astronomy in India (INSA)
Rajesh Kochhar Reprinted from Kochhar, Rajesh et al (eds) (2013) The Making of Modern Punjab: Education, Science and Social Change c. 1850-c. 2000, pp. 15-19 ( Chandigarh: Panjab University). …
Rajesh Kochhar Reprinted from Kochhar, Rajesh et al (eds) (2013) The Making of Modern Punjab: Education, Science and Social Change c. 1850-c. 2000, pp. 63-65( Chandigarh: Panjab University). The…
Rajesh Kochhar Reprinted from Kochhar, Rajesh et al (eds) (2013) The Making of Modern Punjab: Education, Science and Social Change c. 1850-c. 2000, pp.51-53 ( Chandigarh: Panjab University). The will…
Rajesh Kochhar The very severe cyclonic storm, Phailin, is a reminder that due to a combination of factors a large number of cyclones rise in the Bay of Bengal some…
Throughout the 19th century in its encounters with the East Europe was in a learning mode. Cultural superiority and racial arrogance set in in England in the 1830s. See…
Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers URL: seminar2013.puchd.ac.in E-mail: [email protected] The Seminar, dedicated to the memory of Prof. Ruchi Ram Sahni (1863 – 1948), will be inaugurated on 24 October…
Rajesh Kochhar Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali 140306, Punjab Send me an e-mail if you wish to receive the pdf file. Physics News 2013, Vol.43, No. 1…