On Jats and Jutts
Jats are a land-owning agriculturist caste spread over West UP, Haryana, and Rajasthan. There are Jutts in West and East Punjab. They are also land-owners and tillers. Jutts in West…
Author of The Vedic People (Orient BlackSwan), English Education in India, 1715-1835 (Routledge), Sanskrit & British Empire (Routledge), Science and the British Empire (Routledge) and (Jointly with Jayant Narlikar) of Astronomy in India (INSA)
Jats are a land-owning agriculturist caste spread over West UP, Haryana, and Rajasthan. There are Jutts in West and East Punjab. They are also land-owners and tillers. Jutts in West…
Rajesh Kochhar If pandits have enjoyed pre-eminent position in the Hindu society for centuries, there is reason for it. Pandits have not tried to act as a moral force. Rather…